The Tale of Snow White” is a fresh and funny adaptation that expands the Brothers Grimm tale with new characters who have always lived between the lines of the classic fairy tale. This version, using a fun frame story of a contemporary mom reading to her bickering children, is loaded with bright new faces and comedic twists. We meet a gaggle of forest animals, friendly Dwarf Villagers, a troupe of ladies-in-waiting with a penchant for limericks, the Huntsman’s squabbling conscience and even a nerdy governmental representative from the Department of Natural Resources trying to keep the forest dwellers from ruining the environment.
Produced by special arrangement with Pioneer Drama Service Inc., Englewood, Colorado.
- November 1, 8 at 7 PM
- November 2, 3, 9, 10 at 2 PM
All performances are at Ames City Auditorium, 515 Clark Street, Ames Iowa.
- Tickets are $6 if purchased in advance through a cast member or at the Ames Community Gym through October 30.
- Tickets at the door are $6/children, $8 adults
Peggy Sue: Kendra Caulfield
Josh: Ben Siegel
Prince Charming: Maxwell Westlake
Prince Charming’s Men: Jacob Peters, Jason Vernon
Combat Hero Soldier Prince: Ben Teske
Combat Hero Soldiers: Josephine Baum, Sarah Carlson
Snow White: Allison Weiler
Mother: Madeline McMullen
King: Jayden Castle
Young Queen: Catherine Merchant
Doctor: Elizabeth Coleman
Evil Queen: Mabel McIntosh
Magic Mirror: Joshua Gartin
Meredith: Naomi White
Martha: Kaitlyn Goodman
Mary: Teddie Clark
Molly: Olivia Reed
Maureen: Jenna Wilson
Miranda: Jasmine Laury
Matilda: Matilda Hogan
Judy: Quinn Harbison
Huntsman: Gerrit VanDyk
Woodland Creatures: Madison Baughman, Mary Cautino, Louisa Ludes-Bedell, Gwen Stewart, Bethany VanDyk
Devil Huntsman: Jason Vernon
Angel Huntsman: Jacob Peters
DNR Rep: Ryan Weber
The Seven Dwarves
Zip: Libby Gens
Kip: Clay Bauman
Tip: Madison Ollila
Pip: James VanDyk
Flip: Morgan Reetz
Chip: Isabel Andreotti
Big Mike: Zander Reed
Dwarf Villagers
Madison Baughman
Josephine Baum
Sarah Carlson
Jayden Castle
Mary Cautino
Elizabeth Coleman
Louisa Ludes-Bedell
Catherine Merchant
Gwen Stewart
Ben Teske
Bethany VanDyk
Ribbon Peddler: Jasmine Laury
Comb Peddler: Matilda Hogan
Fruit Peddler: Gerrit VanDyk
Romantic Hero Prince: Maxwell Westlake
Romantic Hero Prince’s Men: Jacob Peters, Jason Vernon
Production Crew
Director: Kiersten Naberhaus
Stage Manager: Kivan Kirk
Set Designer: Kiah Kayser
Costume Designer: Kathy Warrick
Lighting Designer: Zak Eskrich
Properties Designer: Kiersten Naberhaus
Set Builder: Josh Ster
Production Manager: Lori Sulzberger
Assistant Production Manager: Todd Reed
Assistant Stage Manager: Emma Frescoln
Lighting Board Operator: Jeffrey Marsh
Costume Assistants: Joseph Palmer, Clove Woodworth
Scene Shift: Nick Sulzberger, Jayna Wanamaker, Ean Warrick
Special thanks to movement coach, Jennifer Keats-Snow.
Story Theater Company is funded in part by local option tax funds provided by the City of Ames through the Commission on the Arts.